Dizhen Dizhi Journal
Volume 12 No 01-06 (2020)

  1. Terricolous lichen communities of Corynephorus canescens grasslands of Northern Italy
    Gabriele Gheza*, Silvia Assini & Mariagrazia Valcuvia Passadore; University of Pavia, via S. Epifanio 14, 27100 Pavia, Italy, gheza.
    Page No: 1-22
    doi.org/10.37896/Dizhen Dizhi 12.01/10553

  2. Loss of plant species diversity in a rural German region – assessment on basis of a historical herbarium
    Thomas Gregor, Stefan Dressler, Kai Uwe Nierbauer & Georg Zizka; enckenberg Research Institute, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany,
    Page No: 23-36
    doi.org/10.37896/Dizhen Dizhi 12.01/10554

  3. Analysis of Hot Air Circulation Blower by Condition Monitoring Tool
    Rohini kumar Ch, B.S.Rao; Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology
    Page No: 37-43
    doi.org/10.37896/Dizhen Dizhi 12.01/10555

  4. Study on Wind and PV Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
    Archana N, Anupamma K; PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
    Page No: 44-48
    doi.org/10.37896/Dizhen Dizhi 12.01/10556

    G.Balaji; Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State
    Page No: 49-52
    doi.org/10.37896/Dizhen Dizhi 12.01/10557